Tuesday 28 February 2012

Why formed into a Union?

Some of the reasons we formed into a Union are:-
a.     To enhance rapid growth in the farming industry. And also to project the co-operative movement in the local council area. This means that if union is formed, they will represent the primary co-operative societies in their various local government areas. This will reduce friction and encourage better co-operation among members.
b.     To ensure that the relevance of co-operative unions will help to fulfill the felt needs of all co-operators that make up the Union
c.      Setting up the Unions around the eighteen local government areas in the state is to create solid financial base which will assist in setting up profitable ventures geared towards reducing dependency on government.
The following are the expected role of the co-operative movement in community development.
i.                    To ensure they embark on a serious and articulated rigorous campaign strategized towards sensitizing and the mobilization of those in the grassroot to effectively participate in co-operative activities.
ii.                  It is our duty to make sure all co-operatives operating within our coverage area are effectively supervised and managed properly, so that they will comply with the principles set up for co-operative societies by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).
On this basis, the various Local Government Areas Apex body are expected to demonstrate internal democracy, transparency, accountability, and probity which are the primary co-operative norms and ethics. For proper operation of the co-operative movement and for the effect of the Unions to be felt in their various areas of operation, the governments also have a role to play. And in Ovia North-East Local Government Area, we expect the Local government authority to:
1)    Recognize and respect the autonomy and operational indecency of the co-operative Union as the regulatory body for co-operative societies set up in the area.
2)    To provide effective education to enhance proper coordination of the primary co-operatives by providing fund to support the apex body towards meeting up with their obligation.
At this point, we wish to inform our well respected Legislators that a plot of land measuring 100 by 200 feet has been voluntarily donated to the Union in Igbobi Community, Oghede Ward, Ovia North-East Local Government Area to help set up a cottage industry and a warehouse which shall be call Ovia North-East Farmers Union processing Mill.
We want to remember the speech of a Legend who once says… on quote “When farming becomes the ills of the society, the ills becomes incurable”. Therefore the needs of farmers should be quickly looked into, to avoid the forecast of the United Nation which says; “if appropriate measure is not put in place, there is going to be serious food shortage in Africa, by 2015”
Any government who fails to recognize the miracle of farmers, perish of impediment.
We need your support to startup the industry. As you well know, as a young body, we don’t have financial means to embark on such journey. Just as King Pharaoh of Joseph’s day made provision for Joseph to save enough food for his people, in expectation of the seven years famine period which lay ahead of them, we want you to make provision for Ovia North East Farmers to produce massively now towards the rainy day.
We will be most grateful if we are assisted in this regard.

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