Friday 6 December 2013

All Cooperative Farmers Association, Invites You ........


Monday 19 August 2013

What Is Co-operative Spirit?

Co-operative spirit is the attitude persons who have agreed to become members of co-operatives society posses and display. Although many people are interested in becoming a member of co-operative societies` because they are not ready nor willing to participate fully as a family member. Probably because other co-operative group they know has reflect that cooperation among themselves. Or maybe because no visible trace that money will soon come.
Successful co-operative groups you see today are the ones whose members recognized what co-operative spirit is and apply it. Therefore, we believe that if utmost concentration is centered on explaining this topic in a simple manner to the co-operators, all co-operatives in the state will find positive headway. On this basis, we humbly advice anyone/group willing to succeed through the co-operative effort, to display the spirit of a sincere co-operator.

Saturday 20 July 2013

Terms and condition for membership to ACFA

Do not fill or complete any section of this form until you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions so stated therein. This includes the requirements/expectations from a good intending co-operator. The filling and completion of every sections of this form by you will mean that you have accepted the terms of acceptance as a member of All Co-operative Farmers Association, Edo State (ACFA).

* Consent And Limited Pledge

I, herby agree to become bind by the terms and condition of admitting members into ACFA as stated in this agreement.

 If you have the choice to abide by the following conditions, and if you already know the meaning of the Terms as used in the ACFA constitution, please go ahead and fill the form. But, IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PLEASE DO NOT Bother to continue filling this form.

*Why The Association Was Established
Most people will no doubt wonder why the setting up of this All Co-operative Farmers Association, When similar groups have been formed just recently. For instance we have the All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) The Agbekoya Farmers Group, which has its aims to bring all farmers in the state together to make sure all good intentions of the government towards them is realized. In 2011 December, the Edo State Multipurpose Co-operative Farmers Agency was also formed with the same old interest of helping the farmers to get what rightly belong to them. Other organization akin to the farmers Unions were also setup for the same purpose.
            Because all the groups mentioned seem not to be working for the interest of the farmers, most farmers resolved to detached themselves from the grip of such group and seek out for an organization that have the real interest and affection of the farmers at heart. Such group As, ACFA.
It is very obvious that TO MAKE IT WORK! THERE IS NEED TO MAKE IT REAL ….. The man that has experienced every steps taken by the so many groups that has pretended to come and represent the farmers in the state, Mr. Agbonlahor .O. Osamuyi who has and will never loose focus or care about the negative views some persons may have towards the actions taken by the aforementioned groups, knowing that it takes pain and effort to succeed in such venture as this, volunteered himself for this productive but tedious assignment.

*Supremacy Of The Associations Constitution
It shall be the duty/responsibility of this Association to tether all aspect of agriculture in Edo State in favour of the farmers. Ranging from Animal Husbandry, Tree Crop, Cash Crop, Arable Crop, and every other kinds of farming.
We are well aware that to meet up with these responsibilities of giving close linkages with those in the grass-root, and the appropriate authorities required great effort. The executives of the Association are also aware that to provide the key institutional supports farmers need in order to succeed in the production and development of their various produce for consumption/export is difficult, the focal strength that energizes  the managers of ACFA is the will to help eradicate poverty among those in the grass-root, which includes the farmers. Hence the need and usefulness of ACFA in this regard.
            ACFA retains the copyright, title and ownership of the Association and all its members/affiliates.
ACFA alone have the right to claim ownership of this written material ("Documentation") Therefore, no one, group authority regardless of the form it takes has power to reproduce whether in paper or media while the original and other copies exist, in the case of documents or any kind of representation for this Association.
With the setting up of this vital tool (ACFA) therefore, it will help the management to strive to assist all co-operative farmers, in order to be able to create jobs for themselves by means of what they know very well (farming). It will also help ACFA assist these serious minded individual/groups in our various communities to build-up savings and ensure that all its members contribute annually to the coffers of this grand Association, so that they can alleviate poverty from both its members and the general public.

*This Document
This Document is designed to aid all members of The Association Of Co-Operative Farmers, Edo State to acknowledge the fact that they belong to an Association managed by business minded persons/individuals, who are farmers that also have the interest of  other farmers in their hearts. They are either elected or appointed to pilot the affairs of the association and its members for the betterment of all farmers taking refuge in this Association. These fortunate business minded persons privileged to serve as executive of this ACFA are persons who have intentionally left other personal relevant activities for the sake of the co-operative association. Therefore, all affiliated members should bear in mind that the purpose of coming together is to create an avenue where they will be of good use to one another. And not a boulevard to start finding faults with one other. To succeed therefore, every member should endeavor to pay his/her regular thrift and savings. This is geared towards giving such member the opportunity to benefit from this Association
*Expectation From Members
THEREFORE all members/affiliates of this Association should bear in mind that he/she cannot benefit from a venture/business enterprise or a risk he/she has not participated in; for instance, a farmer suffers when he sows and enjoy when he reap. Intending members must endeavor to play his/her legitimate role of making this Associations’ program/projects succeed. This means that every affiliate of this great body must always subscribe to the Associations’ programs. After which he/she can talk about benefits; when it become apparent that the fruit of his/her labor has been achieved. Thus, No members of this Association should ever think of benefiting from the Association if he does not support the venture of the group. As no one can benefit from what he was not a part of.

All members/affiliates of the ACFA have the collective intention to liberate and strengthen our economy, conserve our productive venture, and most importantly make for economic self-reliance. To succeed therefore, new members willing to register as affiliate of this Association must remember that other great enterprise we see around us growing rapidly today, does not just achieve greatness through romanticizing their potentials for greatness; nor do they become great, serving as a convenient dumping ground for all frustrated and non responsible or inexperience set of people, who are not ready to sacrifice part of their effort to make others succeed, or those persons who do not find pleasure in assisting others to grow. Remember; this process is like a race he that moves faster, get’s there earlier.

I Agree             
I do not agree

Tuesday 28 February 2012


The Legislators,
C/o The Leader of the Legislative Arms,
Ovia North East Local Government Area,
We want to thank you sir for being with us during the Certificate presentation to the Chairman of O.N.E.L.G.A which took place on the 6th of September 2011 in the main hall of the council secretariat.
We are your children, your fathers, your brothers, your husbands, your wives, and you co-worker in the field. We want to humble ourselves to thank all members of the Legislative arms of the council for their timely involvement towards the affairs of the farmers Union.
Another reason we intend to write this letter is to officially inform you of the existence of the Ovia North East Local Government Farmers Multi-purpose co-operative union limited. As the Apex co-operative group in the Local Government Area. Also the regulatory body for all co-operatives in Ovia North-East. With our objectives as stated below;
i.                    To organize thrift and credit operations
ii.                  To provide credit for labour and consumption finance
iii.                To disseminate the knowledge of modern farming to our affiliate members by having the services of agric extension officers and production/processing professionals.
iv.               To handle other measures designed towards uplifting the lifestyles of our registered members, and also to encourage them to apply the principles which teach oneness and cooperation among our affiliates.
v.                 To market the produce of our members for better price, and also to provide storage facilities for inputs, farm products, machinery, etc.
In this write up, the Union has put down some primary requirements which is expected to help in the actualization of the above stated aims.

We have a vision; and in the book “to make it work! Make it real” presented to the Amiable Chairman of the council through `the secretary who represented him in the presentation program, page 5 of that book section ‘A’ read thus;
“Apportion to us a reasonable size of farmland where the union will be able to oversee the affairs of all farmers in the area affiliated to her. In order to guard them through the process of cultivation and also working towards adding value to their products  in order to meet export standard”.
We made it very clear in that write up that in this farmer’s community, all farmers will have the opportunity and ability to share ideas together on ways to themselves in the mass production of food stuff for our people and for export.

We also pleaded with our father (the council chairman) to support Fadama co-operative group in the area who are not able to meet up with their counterpart fund, in order for all farmers to benefit. As extracted from section ‘B’ page 3 of the book.  ‘To make it work! Make it real’ It read thus….
“We humbly implore you sir, to assist all the co-operatives in your L.G. Area to offset their own part of the FADAMA III counterpart fund in order for all your farmers to benefit from this program. As their benefit will help project the kind of lifestyles they intends to live”. Supporting farmers in this regard is very compulsory and important because if the farmers loose the 70% grant because they could not afford their 30% counterpart response, the negative impact to the local government area could amount to about 87%.

Recently, Governor Adams Oshiomhole has declared that agriculture is a credible factor that can be used to address unemployment and to transform the state. In his speech, the governor said what has been causing delay in identifying this sector, was the rot in civil service especially in the agricultural sector. But now he (The Governor) is willing to address the inhumanity faced in that sector. This assurance was given in the retreat which has as its theme “Sustaining reforms, Expletive from a Development Partner” held in AGANE-BODE
Base on this statistics, we plead with the honorable members of the house to intervene in this regard. The executives of the farmers’ union promise to make sure that the assistance when given will not be abused by farmers. We are in haste to be given the required assistance now in order not to fall victim of the Prophecy of the United Nation that in 2015, there is going to be colossal food shortage in Africa.

Why formed into a Union?

Some of the reasons we formed into a Union are:-
a.     To enhance rapid growth in the farming industry. And also to project the co-operative movement in the local council area. This means that if union is formed, they will represent the primary co-operative societies in their various local government areas. This will reduce friction and encourage better co-operation among members.
b.     To ensure that the relevance of co-operative unions will help to fulfill the felt needs of all co-operators that make up the Union
c.      Setting up the Unions around the eighteen local government areas in the state is to create solid financial base which will assist in setting up profitable ventures geared towards reducing dependency on government.
The following are the expected role of the co-operative movement in community development.
i.                    To ensure they embark on a serious and articulated rigorous campaign strategized towards sensitizing and the mobilization of those in the grassroot to effectively participate in co-operative activities.
ii.                  It is our duty to make sure all co-operatives operating within our coverage area are effectively supervised and managed properly, so that they will comply with the principles set up for co-operative societies by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).
On this basis, the various Local Government Areas Apex body are expected to demonstrate internal democracy, transparency, accountability, and probity which are the primary co-operative norms and ethics. For proper operation of the co-operative movement and for the effect of the Unions to be felt in their various areas of operation, the governments also have a role to play. And in Ovia North-East Local Government Area, we expect the Local government authority to:
1)    Recognize and respect the autonomy and operational indecency of the co-operative Union as the regulatory body for co-operative societies set up in the area.
2)    To provide effective education to enhance proper coordination of the primary co-operatives by providing fund to support the apex body towards meeting up with their obligation.
At this point, we wish to inform our well respected Legislators that a plot of land measuring 100 by 200 feet has been voluntarily donated to the Union in Igbobi Community, Oghede Ward, Ovia North-East Local Government Area to help set up a cottage industry and a warehouse which shall be call Ovia North-East Farmers Union processing Mill.
We want to remember the speech of a Legend who once says… on quote “When farming becomes the ills of the society, the ills becomes incurable”. Therefore the needs of farmers should be quickly looked into, to avoid the forecast of the United Nation which says; “if appropriate measure is not put in place, there is going to be serious food shortage in Africa, by 2015”
Any government who fails to recognize the miracle of farmers, perish of impediment.
We need your support to startup the industry. As you well know, as a young body, we don’t have financial means to embark on such journey. Just as King Pharaoh of Joseph’s day made provision for Joseph to save enough food for his people, in expectation of the seven years famine period which lay ahead of them, we want you to make provision for Ovia North East Farmers to produce massively now towards the rainy day.
We will be most grateful if we are assisted in this regard.